Homeless Teen Help (HTH) is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit tax exempt charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible, as allowed by law.
We need funds to maintain our website resource directory and to continue our county by county search for service providers to list on this website.
We need funds for printing and mailing costs and the costs to publish our printed county directory of service providers for distribution to the homeless teens.
We need funds for the development and maintenance of our online mobile application directory as well as the costs to provide it to various law enforcement and government agencies.
All of our costs and expenses are available upon request. Please consider a donation and the importance it will have toward increasing the chances of a normal life for the individuals at risk.
Donations should be made payable and sent to:
Homeless Teen Help
P.O. Box 185
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
Federal Tax ID# 38-3953897